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Spanish nouns

What are nouns?

The nouns are the words used to name a person, animal, thing or place.

Explanation and examples of Spanish nouns

First rule

For Spanish nouns in the singular that end in a consonant, an S must be added to form the plural.




Singular / Plural

Singular / Plural

Book / Books

Libro / Libros

Livro / Livros

Singular / Plural

Car / Cars

Carro / Carros

Carro / Carros

Singular / Plural

Computer / Computers

Computador / Computadores

Computador / Computadores

Singular / Plural

Bed / Beds

Cama / Camas

Cama / Camas

Second rule

For Spanish nouns in the singular that end in the vowel O, an S or ES must be added to form the plural.




Singular / Plural

Singular / Plural

Piano / Pianos

Piano / Pianos

Piano / Pianos

Singular / Plural

Photo / Photos

Foto / Fotos

Foto / Fotos

Singular / Plural

Hero / Heroes

Heroe / Heroes

Herói / Heróis

Singular / Plural

Tomato / Tomatoes

Tomate / Tomates

Tomate / Tomates

Third rule

For Spanish nouns in the singular that end in S or X, ES must be added to form the plural.




Singular / Plural

Singular / Plural

Gas / Gases

Gas / Gases

Gás / Gases

Singular / Plural

Bus / Buses

Bus / Buses


Singular / Plural

Box / Boxes

Caja / Cajas

Caixa / Caixas

Singular / Plural

Fox / Foxes

Zorro / Zorros

Zorro / Zorros

Fourth rule

For Spanish nouns in the singular that end in SS, ES must be added to form the plural.




Singular / Plural

Singular / Plural

Kiss / Kisses

Beso / Besos

Beijo / Beijos

Singular / Plural

Class / Classes

Clase / Clases

Classe / Classes

Singular / Plural

Business / Businesses

Negocio / Negocios

Negócio / Negócios

Singular / Plural

Address / Addresses

Dirección / Direcciones

Endereço / Endereços

Fifth rule

For Spanish nouns in the singular that end in SH, ES must be added to form the plural.




Singular / Plural

Singular / Plural

Wish / Wishes

Deseo / Deseos

Desejo / Desejos

Singular / Plural

Bush / Bushes

Arbusto / Arbustos

Arbusto / Arbustos

Singular / Plural

Dish / Dishes

Plato / Platos

Prato / Pratos

Singular / Plural

Ash / Ashes

Ceniza / Cenizas

Cinza / Cinzas

Sixth rule

For Spanish nouns in the singular that end in CH, ES must be added to form the plural.




Singular / Plural

Singular / Plural

Beach / Beaches

Playa / Playas

Praia / Praias

Singular / Plural

Match / Matches

Partido / Partidos

Partida / Partidas

Singular / Plural

Church / Churches

Iglesia / Iglesias

Igreja / Igrejas

Singular / Plural

Lunch / Lunches

Almuerzo / Almuerzos

Almoço / Almoços

Seventh rule

For Spanish nouns in the singular that end in Y, the Y must be removed and IES must be added to form the plural.




Singular / Plural

Singular / Plural

Country / Countries

País / Países

País / Países

Singular / Plural

Sky / Skies

Cielo / Cielos

Céu/ Céus

Singular / Plural

Baby / Babies

Bebe / Bebes

Bebê / Bebês

Singular / Plural

Family / Families

Familia / Familias

Família / Famílias

Eighth rule

For Spanish nouns in the singular, regular and irregular, that end in F or FE, the F or FE must be removed and VES added to form the plural.




Singular / Plural

Singular / Plural

Wolf / Wolves

Lobo / Lobos

Lobo / Lobos

Singular / Plural

Thief / Thieves

Ladrón / Ladrones

Ladrão / Ladrões

Singular / Plural

Wife / Wives

Esposa / Esposas

Esposa / Esposas

Singular / Plural

Knife / Knives

Cuchillo / Cuchillos

Faca / Facas

Singular / Plural

Leaf / Leaves

Hoja / Hojas

Folha / Folhas

Irregular nouns in Spanish

Irregular nouns are words whose plural does not respond to any of the above rules.




Singular / Plural

Singular / Plural

Mouse / Mice

Ratón / Ratones

Rato / Ratos

Singular / Plural

Man / Men

Hombre / Hombres

Homem / Homens

Singular / Plural

Woman / Women

Mujer / Mujeres

Mulher / Mulheres

Singular / Plural

Foot / Feet

Pie / Pies

Pé / Pés

Singular / Plural

Child / Children

Niño / Niños

Menino / Meninos

Singular / Plural

Tooth / Teeth

Diente / Dientes

Dente / Dentes

Singular / Plural

Fish / Fish

Pez / Peces

Peixe / Peixes

Singular / Plural

Sheep / Sheep

Oveja / Ovejas

Ovelha / Ovelhas

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